Junior Standard French Course

Accent Français


נושאי הקורס

האזנה, אם כבר מדברים, הגוי, קריאה, כתיבה, אוצר מילים ו דקדוק

לוח זמנים של הכיתה

משך הקורס
1-12 שבועות
תאריכי התחלה
כל יום שני (חוץ מלמתחילים( (02 יונ - 15 אוג)
תאריכי התחלה למתחילים
02 יונ 2025, 07 יול 2025 ו 04 אוג 2025
שיעורים בשבוע
24 שיעורים בשבוע (כל שיעור נמשך 45 דקות)
ימי לימודים
יום שני - יום שישי
חופשות בית הספר
21 אפר 2025, 01 מאי 2025, 08 מאי 2025, 09 יונ 2025, 14 יול 2025, 15 אוג 2025

Accent Français לא מקיים לימודים בחופשות המצויינים למעלה. בית ספר לא מפצה עבור חופשות אלה, אז הקפד בבחירת תאריכי הלימודים שלך בהתאם.

שעות לימוד

You can choose from the following class times:

מושב בוקר
09:00 - 12:15
מושב אחה"צ
14:15 - 17:30

תאריכי הקורס עלולים להשתנות בהתאם לזמינות ועונת השנה.

תאור הקורס

STANDARD French Course - To improve your level at your own pace.

Our STANDARD French course in Montpellier is our semi-intensive course and includes 24 lessons/week in total. You will improve your French language skills while having enough time to enjoy your language immersion in France and practice your French outside the classroom. This is our most popular course in Montpellier.

This program is available at all levels from beginner (A0) to advanced (C1). It is based on the key linguistic skills: reading, writing, understanding and with particular care to oral expression and phonetics. Students will learn to express themselves in both formal and casual conversations.

Thanks to our online placement test we have developed, our team will ensure that you are placed in a group that corresponds to your level. Each Monday, your teacher will present you with the pedagogical programme of the week, including the skills to be mastered, the grammar points and the vocabulary to be worked on. Assessments will be carried out regularly and you will receive personalised feedback on your progress based on the objectives to be achieved.

100% our courses are held face to face, in French, in a small group and by a native and qualified teacher of French ! It is a full immersion that is expecting you here!

Your programme includes:
- 20 lessons per week of General French in a small group corresponding to your level of French
- 2 lessons per week of pedagogical tutoring every Monday, with a teacher on hand to give you personalised assistance as you learn the French language
- 2 lessons per week of educational workshop every Friday to practise your French after class and in real-life situations, while discovering a different aspect of French culture each week (theatre workshop, conversation, games, etc.)

The objectives are:
- to understand
- to communicate
- to express yourself both orally and in writing thanks to our teaching method based on the CEFR by working on the four skills (oral and written expression and oral and written comprehension).

If you wish to follow a more complete French course the INTENSIVE French course is available for all levels all year round. You can also prepare for the DELF and DALF exams or do a Business French course.

If you choose to stay for several months, we also have adapted formulas for long stays.

- STANDARD: 9am to 12.15pm from Monday to Friday OR 2.15pm to 5.30pm
- Pedagogical activities : Monday and Friday 12.30pm to 2pm

- Video and audio supports used in class / TBI / Accent Français e-learning exercise platform
- Various documents for working on vocabulary in context, recordings of authentic dialogues,
- The courses are prepared according to the CEFR, working on the 4 skills in each class: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

- The pedagogical team is available for open questions.
- Independent or tutored pedagogical tutoring
- Weekly assessments to monitor each student's progress

End of course certificate awarded at the end of the programme.

רמת הכיתה

כל הרמות. מתחיל עד מתקדם.
You will take a placement test before your arrival in מונפלייה to determine your class level.

גודל כיתה

בינוני 10 תלמידים
מקסימום 15 תלמידים

גיל הסטודנט

טווח הגילאים גיל 16 ומעלה
בינוני בן כמה 17


בסיום הקורס תונפק תעודות גמר.
קרא עוד...


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  • פעילויות מוצעות ב-Accent Français 38/290
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  • קבלה של Accent Français 59/290
  • קבלה של Accent Français 60/290
  • כיתה של Accent Français 61/290
  • כיתה של Accent Français 62/290
  • חדר משותף ב-Accent Français 63/290
  • כניסה לAccent Français 64/290
  • קבלה של Accent Français 65/290
  • כיתה של Accent Français 66/290
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  • אירוח סטודנטים מוצעים על ידי Accent Français 203/290
  • אירוח סטודנטים מוצעים על ידי Accent Français 204/290
  • אירוח סטודנטים מוצעים על ידי Accent Français 205/290
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  • Apartments offered by Accent Français 208/290
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  • Apartments offered by Accent Français 210/290
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  • אירוח ביתי מוצעים עח ידי Accent Français 216/290
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  • אירוח ביתי מוצעים עח ידי Accent Français 218/290
  • אירוח ביתי מוצעים עח ידי Accent Français 219/290
  • אירוח ביתי מוצעים עח ידי Accent Français 220/290
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ממליץ 97%

מבוסס על 39 ביקורות
5 כוכבים
4 כוכבים
3 כוכבים
2 כוכבים
1 כוכב
איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר


Hayden White, סטודנט מ אנגליה

Teachers were incredibly competent and explained every subject with ease and sufficient examples to help us understand. Every lesson was different and every week a new teacher and new subject (which was very effective in getting to know all the teachers at the school). Classes were small enough for effective learning but big enough to include a diverse group of nationalities, ages and people. Although arguably the school was not super close to where i was staying, the location of the school in relation to Montpellier is excellently placed - right opposite Gare Saint-Roch - made it easy to find and close to all the things to do in the town centre. In terms of activities, they changed every week and always included something interesting to do for all ages. These activities were planned in the mind of making friends with other people your age and french capability which made the life of anyone who travelled alone very easy within the context of finding and making new friends. My housing was incredible, my host was lovely who took amazing care of me and i felt apart of the family during my 6 week stay - the cooking was great and never felt out of place in her home - anyone who stays with Nazia Diringee is blessed!

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
4 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
6 Jan 2025 - 7 Feb 2025
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
17 February 2025

Thank you Hayden for your warm recommendation for our French language school ! It was a delight to greet you at Accent Français this Winter and to watch you enjoying your immersion program and language courses so much ! It is our best reward to see you are so thrilled by this experience that you wanna shared and tell the world about it !! Merci beaucoup !!

"It was a fabulous experience with many friends and memories"

Daniela Remuzgo, סטודנט מ ספרד

When I arrived to my host mom’s house I was at first afraid i wouldnt make any friends and wouldn’t get along with her through the process of two weeks although it was quite the opposite. She greeted me with open arms and she was always looking out for me, cooking the best meals, showing me the best places to visit and encouraging me to meet new people and speak french with her at home to be able to learn naturally. My first day of school she walked me there and explained the public transport options and i was really grateful for all of that. I met new friends instantly in my own level of french class and in others and I got to meet people from different nationalities and backrounds which really made the experience ever more special. The activities were good and going to the beach with my friends in a french speaking country with the ability now to communicate in the language has been incredible.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
29 Jul 2024 - 9 Aug 2024
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
02 September 2024

Bonjour Daniela !

Thank you very much for sharing your feedback online ! It was a delight to greet you at our French language school and to see you enjoying this immersion program with us in the sunny South of France.

We are doing our best to offer dynamic and efficient French language courses as well as to create a friendly and international atmosphere in here, so if you have taken advantage of this while here, we have achieved one of our goals !

We also carefully select our host families, so they help our students to adapt and feel home as much as possible. We are glad you have benefit from the southern French sense of hospitality too !

Thank you and please, keep learning French !

"Love the teachers!"

Shiva Aliabadi, סטודנט מ Afghanistan

I was at the school for two months recently and learned a lot through the Super Intensif. It kept me very busy and I improved in speaking and using new vocabulary and grammar. I especially liked having the Cours Privé where I would have a one-on-one session twice a week with a teacher so that I could practice speaking more. I am trying to become conversationally fluent in French, so I need to speak as much as possible with others. I am coming back this summer to take more classes to continue to improve my French. I really took to the teachers who were all really invested in having us learn as much as we could. And the front desk staff was helpful when I had questions. What I recommend to students is that if you have any questions or concerns about anything in the program, such as what level you are in, what time of day your class is at, etc., be proactive and speak to the front desk as soon as possible to figure out ways to make the courses work for you. They will try their best at accommodating with what is available at that time.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
7 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
4 Mar 2024 - 26 Apr 2024
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 May 2024

Dear Shiva,

Thank you very much for sharing your lovely feedback and warm recommendation ! It was a pleasure to count you in for those 2 months and we look forward to greeting you again at school ! Take care and à bientôt !

"Very welcoming"


The classes were fun. Not always, but definitely moreso than in school at home. The familiar setting made it feel like a study group rather than a school lesson. The switching of teachers and classmates all the time wasn't very good, but I understand why it had to be done. I liked the discourse with other students and learning about their background. It was very fascinating. I attended one of the activities and it was much fun and I truly recommend attending them.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
3 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
16 Oct 2023 - 10 Nov 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
22 November 2023

Thank you very much for your warm recommendation !

We indeed have students arriving and departing every week, it is a lot of work for us to accommodate everyone, but it is also very enriching to meet all those people from all the world and to make the students work together no matter where they come from :-)

It is anyway a delight to see that you have enjoyed your experience at our school and that you have learnt French while having fun here with us ! Thank you !


Jasmin Jutta Osterloh, סטודנט מ גרמניה

16 students participated in my class. Luckily many didn't show up so the group size was OK and good with 10-12 persons.
Great teacher and most of the time interesting subjects with lots of discussion and being able to get to know different accents in French. The location of the school right in the city center was perfect to have a quick lunch or just enjoy the vibes of the city.

The activities with Jeremy are interesting, easy to reserve and not too expensive.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
7 Aug 2023 - 18 Aug 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
08 September 2023

Thank you Jasmin for your nice recommendation for our French language school, we are very happy you enjoyed your immersion programme here with us !

About the lessons, we indeed guarantee a maximum of 12 students per class and this is what you have experienced during those 2 weeks. In your class, many students booked long-term programmes from September to August as they intend to study in a French university afterwards. They take holidays in August and still appear on the list, but we know they will no longer attend the programme :-)

Take care and keep speaking French at home !!

"Soddisfacente esperienza"

Anna Bianco, סטודנט מ איטליה

Ho apprezzato il corso, l'insegnante, la qualità delle lezioni, l'atmosfera della scuola.
Durante le due settimane del mio corso il gruppo è un po' cambiato nella sua composizione, perchè alcuni arrivavano altri finivano ma per fortuna l'insegnante è rimasta la stessa.
La scuola è in una ottima posizione, comoda per i mezzi pubblici.
Avrei preferito qualche attività in più anche in orario serale.

Non ho apprezzato lo spazio ristretto, sia delle aule, molto strette, la porta di ingresso quasi non si apriva perchè a ridosso dei tavoli, sia degli spazi comuni, in rapporto al numero di persone nella scuola.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
31 Jul 2023 - 11 Aug 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
04 September 2023

Grazie per la tua raccomandazione Anna! È stato un piacere accoglierti a scuola quest'estate e vedere che ti sei trovata così bene con noi durante il tuo soggiorno linguistico. In estate offriamo attività ogni giorno per gli adulti e penseremo di programmarne altre la sera. Speriamo di rivedervi presto!

"A very good opportunity to get serious about learning French"

Steve Prior

This school provides a well-organized program to immerse a student into not only the language of French, but also the culture and lifestyles of the country. The instructors had a wide range of teaching strengths and styles, enabling a student to aid in matching their skill levels with the courses offered. I, and many others, arrived at the school with some degree of reading and writing capability. We quickly learned that listening and conversational communications would be critical in being able to progress, and the instructors were able relate to us on our wide range of abilities. I did not take advantage of the school's housing placement, but understand that most of the placements were very beneficial in supplementing the classroom learning experience. I hope to return for future learning, and would plan to have the school assist me with an in-home stay.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
7 Aug 2023 - 18 Aug 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
04 September 2023

Dear Steve, thank you very much for choosing our school and thank you for sharing your feedback about your experience :) We look forward to greeting you again !

In the meantime time, take care and keep learning French ! A bientôt !

"I got a wonderful language practice."

Nigina Gadoeva

For me it was the first language practice in French in France. It was very interesting to be in a language environment where you are forced to communicate in French. The classes were equipped with the necessary equipment, the teachers tried to find an approach to each student. The owner of the apartment is a very nice woman, where l lived. The road to school took 20 minutes. Every day we went to the museums or made city tours. Thank a lot to the Accent français team for the experience.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
19 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
11 July 2023

Merci Niguina, thank you for your warm recommendation ! It was a delight to count you in for those 2 weeks and we are happy to know that you have enjoyed your immersion programme a lot with us ! Bises de Montpellier !

"Super friendly teachers and great atmosphere all round"

Dylan O'Callaghan, סטודנט מ אירלנד

The classes were great, I enjoyed the group activities i found it very effective in getting new people to converse with each other, my only thing i would say is that to mix the classes ethnic backgrounds more, I found that being in an all irish class made it more likely for students to fall back on English as a foundational language, but I believe having students obliged to speak in French is more effective, the teachers were all helpful and kind, they had great understanding of different peoples needs and problems and were great at pushing the comfort zones of french, I can't complain about the location, its a great spot for a school, very central and easy to get to. The after school activities ran by Amanda and Vinie were great fun, i enjoyed the time spent learning French and conversing with them about interesting topics, i enjoyed the variety of trips. My host Family were very kind people, very accepting of my space and understanding my independence, we had alot of fun getting to know each other. Id love if there was some kind of reccomendation list of things for teens to do while in Montpellier during the day, I eventually found some people to hang around with but it took awhile to find places were teens usually hang out, overall i had an amazing experience, I met some great people and im grateful for the opportunity

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
5 Jun 2023 - 16 Jun 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, School Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
05 July 2023

Bonjour Dylan, thanks a mil for sharing your super positive feedback !

We have worked hard for the past 6 months to set up this amazing junior programme and recruit the best leaders for the activities. We are very happy to know that you have enjoyed the full immersion programme, our French language courses, activities and homestay.

About the nationality mix, I get your point and we are doing our best to also recruit students from all over the world. June is usually a month off for Irish junior students, but not in the other countries. We will of course consider this and see what can be done.

Take care,


"Sehr gute Organisation mit einem tolles, freundlichen und kompetentem Team! Merci beaucoup à tous"

Barbara Angeletti

Ich fand den Unterricht sehr gut und abwechslungsreich gestaltet. Unsere Lehrer waren sehr kompetent, freundlich und humorvoll. Meine Französischkenntnisse sind merkbar besser geworden, obwohl ich nur vier Tage Unterricht hatte. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Kurs und hoffe, dass ich es zeitlich einrichten kann. Herzlichen Dank an das Accent Français Team. Barbara

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
תאריך לימוד
29 May 2023 - 2 Jun 2023
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Quality and Development Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
09 June 2023

Danke Barbara für deine herzliche Empfehlung für unsere Sprachschule! Wir freuen uns zu hören, dass du deinen Sprachkurs in vollen Zügen genossen hast und Deine Fortschritte nach einer Woche Immersion spürst! A bientôt!

"Phenomenal Experience in Montpellier with Accent Français!"

Eric Harthun

I whole-heartedly recommend Accent Français for those who would like an immersive and high quality French language program that is also a tremendous value. Montpellier was an excellent location for such a program for two reasons. First, the locals were friendly and patient with my efforts to speak French with them - this will not be the case in other larger cities like Paris.

Second, there are so many students and young people in Montpellier that you cannot but help to feel the energy. Not to mention that during my time at Accent Français there were approximately 30 nationalities represented at the school which was a huge upside surprise. The teachers were also high-energy and very talented. Jean-Phillip and Claire were my professeurs and they were able to interact with each student at their unique level which I found amazing.

I stayed in an extended-stay apartment/hotel near the school which worked out well. The decor was a bit "tired" but it was very clean and also a good value for the money. The only criticism I have of the school was the small class rooms - i.e. the physical space - just a bit cramped. Overall, I loved my experience at Accent Français in Montpelier and am hoping to return next Fall to continue my French language journey.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
10 Oct 2022 - 28 Oct 2022
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Quality and Development Director at Accent Français responded to this review.
08 December 2022

Thank you for your warm recommendation ! We are very happy to read your feedback and hope to greet you again next year ;-) Prends soin de toi et de ton français, à bientôt !

"Fun, helpful, engaging and interesting"

Ian Field

i have studied with Accent Français before and was really looking forward to visiting again. The team were helpful and really interested in making our stay as smooth as possible. We were a group of 11 and each person was in a class exactly suited to their needs.

At first one of our group was in a class that was too easy for them but this was quickly rectified. There are lots of extra curricular activities to really broaden your experience in Montpellier. The rooms were all air conditioned and the teachers were really good. Montpellier is a great place to stay and I would not hesitate in recommending Accent Français for learning French. We booked our own accommodation.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
תאריך לימוד
25 Jul 2022 - 29 Jul 2022
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Quality and Development Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
14 September 2022

Thank you for your warm recommendation Ian ! It was lovely to greet you again with your colleagues for this immersion programme and we all hope to see you again, either here or in London ! Take care :)

"It was Ok, but not extraordinary."

Soroor Azam Karamloo, סטודנט מ ספרד

Hi there. Thank you for your follow-up. My experience in general was good, although there are some points I would like to mention. First of all, I registered for an intensive course for two weeks, but I was placed in an standard course for which I was shocked and decided to take the most of my two-weeks stay by paying 100 euros more for only three sessions of an intensive course that was just a waste of time and money.

Regarding the afternoon intensive classes, most of the students had the same idea as mine i. e. killing time and no content for learning except some new vocabulary that could be self-studied by each student without going to school.

Second, the classes were not well furnished, I mean the chairs were terrible and not suitable for long hours of siting down, at all.

Third, sometime there was no paper in the toilets and this happened frequently.

Fourth, my host family was a very kind family, but the house was an old one full of spiders that bit me and left me with some marks on my skin. If I knew the house was an old one, I would have chosen a hotel or another kind of appropriate lodging. Moreover, there was no soap in the bathroom neither detergent to wash the dishes in the kitchen. So, I had to buy these things on my own.

All other things were fine.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
1 Aug 2022 - 12 Aug 2022
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Quality and Development Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
23 August 2022

Dear Soroor,

Thank you very much for your feedback about your experience with us. We did receive a booking for a Standard course from the website Language International, we charged them for this programme only. If this was not correct, I am very sorry for this.

About the course content, our Intensive course is aimed at giving more opportunities to practice the language to our students. We indeed work on the vocabulary, phonetics and conversation during those lessons. It helps the students with being more comfortable with the interaction.

Regarding the furnitures at school, we have taken note of your experience and will do our best to improve the comfort of our students in class and in our premises.

About the accommodation, we are sorry to know that you had to deal with spider bites and will talk about it with your host. When it comes to the furnitures at home, please note that the room with kitchen access does not include the meals, hygiene and cleaning products, so it is normal that you had to buy your own products.

Again, thank you for your feedback Soroor !
Take care,

"Best time of my life"

Gabriel Franco Alberto Kéry Munoz, סטודנט מ שוויץ

So I really liked the classes, the 5-10 teachers that I had were all very friendly and willing to help. Also the times are pretty much optimal because it doesn‘t start to early but you still have a lot of time in the afternoon. As for how much your French improves depends on your level. Learning how to talk you learn very fast, in my opinion (obviously you have to try though!), but once you can somewhat talk, so between like B1 and B2 it gets harder and you have to invest free time as well to improve further, but I think that should be expected.

The KLEY Residence was incredible, the only thing was that it didn‘t have air condition, but if I took a cold shower that‘s good enough, but it cannot be understated, how incredible the rooftop was, the rooftop was insane, the view, the space, and obviously the company from other students was absolutely fantastic. Also mad respect for the security to let us bring friends from outside the residence to the rooftop.

The Host Family that I had was very friendly as well, she was very open minded, and had a pool, and cooked very good. I didn‘t go to a lot of afternoon activities because it‘s obviously expensive, but the ones I went to were really cool. For example the time we went to Aiges Mortes, they had a good mix between talking about the place and letting us roam around. Overall the best part about my 5 weeks were the people I‘ve met, I met some of the best people ever there, and from all over the world, was extremely interesting. Even if some people that I didn‘t do much with, it was still very interesting to have conversations with because of the different culture and their motivation to learn French. Just really incredible and I can confidently recommend it to most people.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
4 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
27 Jun 2022 - 29 Jul 2022
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זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Quality and Development Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
23 August 2022

Dear Gabriel, thanks a lot for your warm recommendation and detailed feedback ! It was lovely to count you in at our school this Summer and reading your awesome feedback is the best award we can get, merci infiniment !

"Exceeded Expectations"

Susan Lynch

The classes were well-structured and appropriately interactive. The instructors were very engaging and at no time did I feel any negative pressure when faced with an unsure educational situation.

The location is super, being so close to the Place de Comedie. This also makes it convenient for the break times and lunch. I liked the way my housing was also convenient and an easy walk to the school. The studios worked out perfectly for me and allowed for extra flexibility with daily schedules. (Les Citadines)

Although I chose not to participate in some of the scheduled activities, I did find the group tour trips to also be excellent and very fun. The office staff was also wonderful and very accomodating with any changing needs. I always felt that they had my best interest in mind.

If I had to included something that was not my most favorite it might be having to check the schedule board for classroom and placement assignments instead of receiving emails in advance of Monday classes.

Thank you; it was super!

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מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
3 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
18 Oct 2021 - 12 Nov 2021
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
16 November 2021

Thank you very much Susan for your feedback and for joining us ! It was lovely greeting you in here with your friend and please stop by when you return for your holidays in the sunny South !

About the course planning, it is available on Edmodo on Mondays about 15 minutes before the course starts. I believe it was mentioned during the orientation meeting on your first day and I am sorry you did not use this very practical tool :(

"Excellent stay at Accent Francais"

Marie Juel Bech Nielsen, סטודנט מ דנמרק

I had a really nice stay at Accent Francais. I definitely improved my skills in French even though I only had three weeks of classes. The teachers were competent and made sure that there was a good atmosphere in class.

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מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
12 Jul 2021 - 30 Jul 2021
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זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
20 August 2021

Thank you Marie Juel ! It was lovely to have you in here, take care and keep speaking French !! :-)

"Place to start thinking French"

Liubov Lisnichuk

Nice place in the city for students. Excursions on Saturdays expand the horizons and vocabulary.

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מיקום בית ספר
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1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
28 Apr 2013 - 9 May 2013
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
18 June 2019

Thank you for sharing your experience ! We do our best to organize as many interaction moments as possible, this is good to read your feedback !


Caterina Serafini

My experience at Accent Francais has been amazing from every point of view. The classes are dynamic and interesting, as they engage your learning skills while at the same time talking about interesting topics. Usually, language courses are boring and repetitive, but the lectures were well structured and I was continually challenged. The amazing thing is that without a huge amount of work I learned so much I actually managed to pass the DELF B2 at the end of my month experience.
Another great aspect is the many activities after school, in which you have the chance to learn about the area's history, to visit incredible places and to meet a lot of new people.

Finally, the teachers were amazing, they made classes fun so that you actually learned without making a lot of effort.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
5 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
22 Jun 2017 - 28 Jul 2017
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
18 June 2019

Thank you for sharing your experience and congratulations on your DELF B2 ! We do our best to make your students happy and this is great to read your review !

"Helpful courses"

Van TRAN, סטודנט מ צרפת

The program was really helpful for me to improve my French skills.
Throughout the course we were supported with great materials and cultural experiences

The staff was friendly and always welcoming. An excellent experience overall

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
3 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
1 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)

"It was a wonderful experience."

João Antonio Martini Paula

We liked the teachers very much. The classes had a good dynamics, with an interesting interaction between students and teachers. Our school is located next to the central square of the city, 350 meters from our apartment. They offered us various activities beyond classes. We liked the city and facilities such as good transportation system and access to local commerce.

We had a problem with the class schedule: we started in the morning, but the following week we where transferred to the afternoon. We requested that they keep us in the morning, and we are taken care of.

We rented un apartment in the city center, and it was a good experience.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
25 Jun 2018 - 6 Jul 2018
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)

"Good school and good experience of learning and communicating with native speaker"

Ekaterina Veselova, סטודנט מ רוסיה

The location was very convenient, it was in the city center. The teachers were patient and friendly. There were grade 7-8 students, good organization of excursions and leisure activities after school. According to the school rules, one topic would be discussed each week, I would like to explore several themes.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
12 Sep 2016 - 23 Sep 2016
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Isabelle, Assistant Marketing at Accent Français responded to this review.
10 October 2016

Merci Ekaterina ! We are happy that you enjoyed your stay at Accent Français !

"This is a vibrant well run school, clearly with a lot of experience"

nicholas reidy, סטודנט מ אנגליה

I took a week long course as a taster to help me decide whether or not I would continue further. I wasn't disappointed with the school, the course or Montpelier. I will certainly return next spring.

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מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
תאריך לימוד
12 Sep 2016 - 16 Sep 2016
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Isabelle, Assistant Marketing at Accent Français responded to this review.
05 October 2016

Bonjour Nicholas, thank you for this wonderful review ! We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay with Accent Français and look forward to see see you again on spring ! À bientôt !!!

"Inspiring, interesting and really good"

Anette Laigaard, סטודנט מ דנמרק

I really liked having two teachers daily who had prepared how to work on our progress, so there was a good communication between them. My teachers especially the last two weeks were excellent, especially having both of them because they were so different from each other but showed great respect for their combined work. I liked that they really insisted in encouraging us to speak as much as possible, and I like that they were one step ahead of us all the time, the pacing of the lesson is good, it was never boring.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
3 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
25 Apr 2016 - 20 May 2016
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Marie, Sales developer at Accent Français responded to this review.
02 August 2016

Dear Anette,

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! We are very happy you liked your courses and your teachers . It was a pleasure to greet you in Accent Francais and we hope we will have the chance to see you again in the future !

"I got what I deserved."

Örn Johnson, סטודנט מ איסלנד

I arrived there the third Monday in November. After the first day, I went to the office and told them that my knowledge was far less than my classmates. I was convinced that I was in the absolute beginner’s class, so I could not be degraded. I also learned that beginners normally start the first Monday of each month, something I was not aware of. I finished the first week and took two days the second week and was then hit by bad back-ache which hindered my further attendance.

Generally speaking, I liked the classes and my fellow classmates tolerated my shortcomings, and so did the two teachers.

The location was very good; I stayed at a good hotel being only a five minute walk from the school. The facilities seemed good. We were offered some activities, like attending films and horse-riding, which I did.

I had two reasons to attend to the school: 1) I was moving to a warmer climate for two weeks, and 2) I wanted to learn something from this language. My fellow classmates had obviously higher hopes and studied far more than myself, as their aims were higher than mine!

As I quit so suddenly, I did not have a chance to thank my qualified teachers, which I hereby do.

Thinking of it, I would probably have gained more knowledge if I had stayed with a family, as I would have had someone to speak to out of class. Although I am quite open-minded, I felt a bit isolated in the afternoons during these two weeks, but this was my fault.

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מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
16 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"The experience in Montpellier was amazing!!"

Valentina Perissinotto, סטודנט מ איטליה

My experience in Montpellier was really amazing and definitely above expectations! The school is located in the city center and is well organized. Before arriving there I took a french test in order to establish my french level. Once I got there I had a brief oral interview to confirm the level. This allowed the teachers to divide the students into a lots of levels (from A1 to C2, with intermediate levels as well). My class was wonderful. It was so nice to get in touch with people from all over the world and we still are in touch. Moreover I was the only italian person in the class so it was easier for me to practice only french.
The student residence that I chose (L'observatoire) was in the city center, 3 minutes from the school by foot. The room was very basic but it was a single room with a kitchen and a private bathroom, so everything that is essential to stay there.
Then, what else, the city is amazing! It is small but very clean and beautiful and there are lots of students all around, then there are some nice beaches that can be reached with the tram/bus not so far (30 min to 1 hour).

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מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
5 Aug 2013 - 16 Aug 2013
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, we are very pleased to read your feedback ! This makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)

"I had my best summer ever. I really liked the city, the school and hanging out with friends from all around the world."

Ozan Hakkı Aksoy, סטודנט מ טורקיה

The teachers were really helpful. I had the chance to improve my French speaking abilities a lot. The classes weren't crowded so that the teachers could be really interested in students' progress. Besides, we visited different cities every week, so it's obvious that this school provides a big variety of activities that are enjoyable and educational. Although where I lived was a bit far from school, I’d absolutely stay with the same family if I had the chance to go there again.
On the other hand, I had classes at 4 pm every weekday so I couldn't benefit much neither from the sun nor the beach in Montpellier.

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
4 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
24 Jun 2013 - 26 Jul 2013
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)

"Montpellier - voyage!"

Daria Miroshnichenko, סטודנט מ רוסיה

So, actually I really enjoyed this amazing trip. It was a really great experience for my language. The school is situated not so far from my host family house. What's more, my host family (Lisette Breton-Noussi) was really friendly and she tried to help me with everything. The system of planning classes wasn't comfortable, so that's the main problem, but the teachers and the quality of program as far as language, cultural, social were concerned were super! Especially having excursions with Jean-Paul - he's crazy and funny. And the price was cool and of course Montpellier - one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Thanks for this great experience. Hope to go there one more time!

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
8 Jul 2013 - 26 Jul 2013
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"My best holiday"

Rasmus Gottschalck, סטודנט מ דנמרק

I liked everything.

קרא עוד...

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מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
3 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
5 Jul 2010 - 23 Jul 2010
קבוצת גיל
35 - 49
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)

"My French vacation"

Valentina, סטודנט מ רוסיה

I liked my trip in Montpellier! I lived with Madam Daniela. She's the best woman! I lived near the school (on foot 5 min). I had same difficulties with my studies but then I felt better. I had a lot of excursions with Jean-Paul. It was interesting and amusing! Jean-Paul is friendly man! In general it was memorable trip and good experience!

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פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
14 May 2012 - 25 May 2012
קבוצת גיל
35 - 49
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"Better than expected"

william meng, סטודנט מ ארצות הברית

Wonderful experiences. School, landowner, city, schoolmates, roommates, all wonderful. Language International is a very reliable agent, I will use their service again and definitely recommend to all my friends.

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מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
29 Oct 2012 - 9 Nov 2012
קבוצת גיל
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! We hope to greet you in here again :-)

"My wonderful holiday"

Valentina, סטודנט מ רוסיה

It was a great excellent for me: I practiced my French, I met a lot of people from different countries, and I knew French history, traditions etc. My school was very good! Teachers were attentive to students, competent, and made lessons that weren't boring. I lived in the city centre with Madame Danielle Ranson. She's an admirable woman. Your flat is very good. She cooked delicious food. In short, I was happy in my holiday.

קרא עוד...

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איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
14 May 2012 - 25 May 2012
קבוצת גיל
35 - 49
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.


Rocio Tesorero, סטודנט מ ונצואלה

The school is located in the centre of the town. its fantastic, and it has a really nice and friendly atmosphere. The classes were productive and fun at the same time and there weren't lots of students per lesson so i had a chance to learn more, moreover, as i was with students with the same ability as me i was able to engage in conversations and activities. I made friends even though i was a lot younger than everyone else but people were really friendly. I liked where i stayed because it was about 10min away from the place and i only had to take one bus so it was very difficult to get lost and the family i stayed with was really nice too.

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דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

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מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
2 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
22 Mar 2010 - 2 Apr 2010
קבוצת גיל
25 - 34
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"International house"

Maria Fernanda Garcia Juarez, סטודנט מ מקסיקו

it was a great school, the teachers have a lot of patience

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מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
9 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
4 Oct 2010 - 3 Dec 2010
קבוצת גיל
25 - 34
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"Accent francaise"

Maria Fernanda Garcia Juarez, סטודנט מ מקסיקו

it was a great school, with very good teachers, i will just change the school facilities

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
9 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
4 Oct 2010 - 3 Dec 2010
קבוצת גיל
25 - 34
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"Enjoyable experience although too short to have significant learning of a language."

Marcela Rivas, סטודנט מ ארצות הברית

I was able to learn to speak French on my own and I have several friends in France. My main focus was to learn to write better since I communicate with them via email sometimes. Since I speak well but my writing skills are poor Accent Francais had a difficult time finding a group that would suit my needs. I was placed in a class where the focus was writing but I felt that the other students were in advantage since they had already learnt many grammatical forms. However, their expressive skills were not at not at the same level as mine. Though, I met some nice people from other countries and had the chance to socialize with them as well. Of course, the teachers tried their best to give personal attention and make the class a fun place to learn. I liked the location because Accent Francais is located in downtown Montpellier and I had a nice crispy walk from my studio to class every morning. I cannot complain of the housing facilities. The studio was more than what I thought I could have in Montpellier. I would recommend the classes but need to be for a longer period of time to have a significant impact in learning the language.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
1 שבוע
תאריך לימוד
12 Oct 2009 - 16 Oct 2009
קבוצת גיל
50 - 64
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, indeed, the more you can stay, the best it is for your language skills ! We are happy to have offered you a positive experience and hope you can come back longer at some point :-) Take care !

"Good experience for learning about the French culture"

Victor Alcon, סטודנט מ ספרד

Good experience for learning about the French culture

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
12 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
3 Aug 2009 - 23 Oct 2009
קבוצת גיל
35 - 49
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"It was a wonderful experience."

Maria P, סטודנט מ אנגליה

The staff were incredibly welcoming and friendly, and my host and accommodation were both lovely. I was well-matched to my host, and we shared much in common. Location was also perfect, as my host lived right in the centre of the old town - very near the school. The teaching was really good - very relaxed but I still felt pushed to improve my language skills. Socially, the school organised lots of evenings out and events both at weekends and during the week. Big outings were not too expensive, and overall I had a really good time!

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
5 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
6 Jul 2010 - 7 Aug 2010
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"The Perfect French Accent"

Maria Petzsch, סטודנט מ אנגליה

Teaching and classes were well organised, the staff were really friendly and supportive, and accommodation was perfect - right in the centre of town! Administration and reception were also extremely helpful and efficient. I had no problems whatsoever during my time there, and would absolutely reccommend the course to anyone looking for an effective crash course for perfectionnement de langage in a sunny location.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
5 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
6 Jul 2009 - 7 Aug 2009
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.

"Unforgettable and colorful"

Ivan Martynenko, סטודנט מ קזחסטאן

I just loved the period of my stay in Montpellier. First, I could improve my language skills. For instance, when I just arrived in Montpellier, I could not build sentences in French, my vocabulary was so poor that I even had a hard time when I tried to find a place to stay, or eat, or some other necessary things, but at the end of those unforgettable 8 weeks, I could easily talk with native speakers and lead conversations on various topics. Of course it's a result of the hard work of my instructors in school and my home-stay family.

קרא עוד...

דירוג שלי לבית הספר הזה

איכות ההוראה
מתקני בית הספר
פעילויות חברתיות
מיקום בית ספר
משך לימודים
8 שבועות
תאריך לימוד
25 May 2009 - 17 Jul 2009
קבוצת גיל
35 - 49
האם תמליץ על בית הספר הזה?
זוהי בדיקה אומתה. תלמיד זה יש להזמין כמובן בבית הספר זה בשפה הבינלאומית.
Stéphanie Checa, Sales Manager at Accent Français responded to this review.
27 August 2020

Thank you for your feedback, this makes us feel motivated to continue offering the best of France ! Take care :-)



בית הספר מציע סוגי המגורים הבאים:

משפחה מארחת - חדר משותף 2-אדם - ארוחות בוקר וערב

833 ש״ח

Homestay - Double room with half-board

טווח הגילאים: גיל 16 ומעלה
סוג המגורים: משפחה מארחת
סוג חדר: חדר משותף 2-אדם
סוג אירוח: ארוחות בוקר וערב (14 ארוחות בשבוע)
מתקנים: מטבח, מכבסה, אינטרנט אלחוטי, ו חינם באינטרנט
זמינות: ינואר - דצמבר
רישום כניסה: יום ראשון, בכל עת
רישום יציאה: יום שבת, בכל עת
מגבלה: 2 תלמידים צריכים להזמין ביחד
833 ש״ח
Double room available for people traveling together only, price per person !

You want to feel at home even when travelling? Then this is the right option for you!

A cultural and linguistic immersion is guaranteed: Meals with your hosts and their guests give you the opportunity to practise your French in everyday life, discover the city in a completely different way and meet great people!

Our host families welcome you into their homes - in the city centre for a lively, dynamic experience, or in the nearby suburbs for a friendly, family-oriented atmosphere. All host families we work with live within 45 minutes of the school, 20 minutes from school in average.

We look for a host that meets YOUR criteria: family members, age, interests, type of accommodation, single or double bed, pets, smoking or non-smoking, diet and allergies, religion and other preferences.

Before your arrival

With your registration confirmation you will receive:
- Full contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail address)
- Description of your accommodation
- Information about the host family (age, profession, hobbies)
- A short guide to homestay etiquette

When you arrive
- Your host shows you to your room and informs you about the house rules.
- You will receive your key and he/she will explain how to get to Accent Français.

Arrival arrangements
- We advise you to contact your host family at least one week before your arrival to introduce yourself.
- You can also ask them to pick you up at the train station or airport for free (between 3pm and until 10pm).

משפחה מארחת - חדר ליחיד - ארוחות בוקר וערב

961 ש״ח

Homestay- Single Room- Half Board

טווח הגילאים: גיל 16 ומעלה
סוג המגורים: משפחה מארחת
סוג חדר: חדר ליחיד
סוג אירוח: ארוחות בוקר וערב (14 ארוחות בשבוע)
מתקנים: מטבח, מכבסה, אינטרנט אלחוטי, חינם באינטרנט, ו הסקה
מרחק מבית הספר: 5 - 45 דקות
זמינות: ינואר - דצמבר
רישום כניסה: יום ראשון, בכל עת
רישום יציאה: יום שבת, בכל עת
961 ש״ח
You want to feel at home even when travelling? Then this is the right option for you!

A cultural and linguistic immersion is guaranteed: Meals with your hosts and their guests give you the opportunity to practise your French in everyday life, discover the city in a completely different way and meet great people!

Our host families welcome you into their homes - in the city centre for a lively, dynamic experience, or in the nearby suburbs for a friendly, family-oriented atmosphere. All host families we work with live within 45 minutes of the school, 20 minutes from school in average.

We look for a host that meets YOUR criteria: family members, age, interests, type of accommodation, single or double bed, pets, smoking or non-smoking, diet and allergies, religion and other preferences.

Before your arrival

With your registration confirmation you will receive:
- Full contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail address)
- Description of your accommodation
- Information about the host family (age, profession, hobbies)
- A short guide to homestay etiquette

When you arrive
- Your host shows you to your room and informs you about the house rules.
- You will receive your key and he/she will explain how to get to Accent Français.

Arrival arrangements
- We advise you to contact your host family at least one week before your arrival to introduce yourself.
- You can also ask them to pick you up at the train station or airport for free (between 3pm and until 10pm).

עזרה בקבלת ויזה

אנחנו לא יכולים להגיש מסמכים לבקשת ויזה בשם הסטודנט. אך בית ספר יכול לספק את כל המסמכים הנדרשים לך, כדי לעזור בהגשת בקשתך לויזה.

מכתב קבלת ההרשמה ישלח לביתך בדואר רגיל ללא חיוב נוסף. אם ברצונך לקבל מסמכים בדואר מהיר, תחויב בעלויות נוספות של 150 € בזמן ההרשמה.

טיסות והעברה מנמל התעופה

שדה התעופה הקרוב ביותר לבית הספר הוא Montpellier Mediterranee Airport (MPL).

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to מונפלייה based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

ביטוח נוסעים

סע ללמוד בחו"ל ללא דעגה עם ביטוח בריאות וביטוח אישי של Language International. כאשר הינך מזמין קורס דרכינו, יש באפשרותך אפשרות לרכוש ביטוח בינלאומי שמכסה גם בריאוט וגם חפצים אישיים. יש אפשרות להזמין ביטוח מראש בזמן הרשמה לקורס.

עוד על תוכניות ביטוח »

קרא עוד...

שאלות ותשובות

יש לך שאלות? קבל תשובות מצוות העובדים של ‪Accent Français‬ סטודנטים שם בעבר.

שאל שאלה
הצגת מחירים